With many common health conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, a change in diet could provide a solution.
You can start to improve your diet right now with all the information that you can find on thus website. All foods that you can find in the menu 'Superfoods' are a healthy choice to include in your diet. Also all the herbs & spices have many health benefits and they also provide a great taste to your dishes.

For questions relating a vegetarian diet you're also at the right address. I've been on an entirely vegetarian diet since 2007. You can always ask your questions through my e-mail address or on Facebook.
I can also be of your assistance when you want to lose some of those extra pounds. I can create for you an individualized weight loss program that will not make you feel hungry and will make you lose several pounds in a healthy way. The guidance will be online because of my stay abroad.
Massage therapy is something I can offer together with my wife Debby. Although we're not staying in the Netherlands too often, you never know when there a possibility arises. When we will be temporarily in the Netherlands, I will announce beforehand on my website and Facebook when.
I offer you all this basically for free, but you can decide what it's worth for you. I do this in the tradition of the medicine men of ancient times, that you can still find in a few places around the world, such as in Guatemala at Lago Atítlan (Tata Pedro Cruz, see photo). When you are satisfied with my assistance it's obviously very much appreciated when you make a donation to help me paying for the costs incurred.
Look in the menu at the page 'Contacts / Donations' for contact information and to a make a donation.